Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God, Suffering and the Tragedy in Haiti

200,000 dead. In recent years, only the tsunami in Indonesia was greater in its death toll. Humanitarian aid pours in, but much is blocked due to a one runway airport and poor public roads. People are starving, running out of clean water, people are dying. It seems incomprehensible that a Loving, Gentle God could allow such a tragedy as this to occur. But, obviously it has happened. There will be those who proffer platitudes such as "It builds faith," "God's ways are incomprehensible to man," "The grace of God is found in compassion, compassion is found in the heart, the heart is activated by sorrow and helplessness." There may be some truth to that last one, but we can;t escape the fact of a tragedy on an immense scale and it doesn't answer the question, "Why?"

This may seem an odd place and time to mention this, but there is a book that explains this. It tells why God allows suffering and what we can do to prevent such tragedies in the future. This is an honest, careful look at God and tragedy and the meaning of suffering and your role in how it all happens. Perry Jones explores this concept with his book "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" Find out more at the Amazon page:


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